Friday, September 19, 2008

First Ever Blog.

my name is emily and i am very new to this whole blogging thing, but i need somewhere to vent besides a diary, which i just can't seem to keep up with.

i have lots of problems, i'm not gonna lie.
i'm a compulsive liar...though i'm getting better.
everyone tells me i'm so pretty blah blah blah but i usually don't believe them. they're me, i would know. i have no self-esteem what-so-ever.
i can't trust anyone.
my dad is gay...but i still love him more than anything.
boys ignore me. i don't like it.
i can be really lazy.
i'm a couch potato who occasionally loves to exercise.
i am so afraid of failure...but i think most people are and i'm not so sure that's a problem, you know?
i want to be a doctor but i sometimes doubt i'm good enough to be anything more than a bum.
i worry i'll never be loved.

but then again...i suppose i have my good points.
i can't hold grudges.
i'm benevolent to a fault.
i can love more deeply than you could know.
i'm the most open person in the world...though sometimes i have days when i just hate people.
i see beauty in random things.
i love french...i speak it as much as i can...i'm actually pretty good at it too.
i can tie a cherry stem with my tongue.

i'm actually really excited about this blog. i got the idea when today at school, this guy from eastman chemical company came and talked to us about computers in science and what we could do at eastman with our computer knowledge. (i'm a sophomore at a little high school in east tennessee, by the way.) and he asked us if any of us had a blog. a few people raised their hands. then he asked if we knew what a blog was and most of us raised our hands. he told us that a blog was a great way to express ourselves, our feelings, our ideas. so i i have feelings and ideas...maybe i should blog! and here i am.
i'm not exactly sure how any of this i guess if you could help me at all i would be very grateful.

merci, mon ami.
au revoir.